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Nursery School: Secrets-The Pitch Out Pile

This is the one where I talk about dumpster diving...

Every nursery or garden center has a pile of dead or dying plants or stuff that just isn't good enough to sell. Your objective? Figure out how the system works. Do they throw it in a dumpster? A compost heap? Some sort of holding area? Is it ok for you to take some stuff or is it better to come at night dressed like a Pieris japonica?

As a garden center employee, these pitched-out plants are what makes it all worthwhile. Somedays the haul is mighty. Develop a relationship with your local nursery peeps and maybe you can gain access to the Pitch Out Club.

That's how I learned 89% of what I know. I experimented with dying plants. And I'm in good company, that's how this guy learned too.

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This is a legit photo, yeah I used to own this glamour-mobile! It was pitch out day for Weigela and a friend I was working with wanted some but she rode her bike to work. So we stuffed the truck full with the spoils and then we realized we forgot to leave room for her bike. Oops.

If I remember correctly, I helped her unload there on the side of Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago and then drove away quickly so as to avoid offering to help her carry all those Weigelas up to the second floor roof. Because I'm such a good friend.

Tomorrow is officially Nursery School, if you like "tips" like this or if you like plants or laughing. Please join us, if you don't like those things? This is not the blog you're looking for.

Forum, yo.