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Tip of the Week: Finding a Microclimate

Do you want to grow a certain plant in your garden, but it’s not quite hardy in your Zone? Aside from overwintering it indoors, you can try growing it in a microclimate in your yard. Here’s how to find one.

Do you want to grow a certain plant in your garden, but it’s not quite hardy in your Zone? Aside from overwintering it indoors, you can try growing it in a microclimate in your yard.

Here’s how to identify warm microclimates in your landscape:

• These “heat islands” can be on the south-facing side of your home,

at the foot of a stone wall or in nooks among large rocks.

• Look for areas that are well-drained (especially in winter).

• When you’ve found a promising location, mount a thermometer on a stake,

one to two feet tall. Record the temperature right before sunrise, which is

the coldest time of day.

•  Repeat in other areas of your yard. This way you’ll find the warmest

locations for planting.

Read past weeks’ tips

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