Tip of the Week: Guess a plant's habitat preferences by its species name
acraeus living on the heights
agrarius of fields
agrestis rural, rustic; of fields
alpestris growing just below the alpine zone
alpinus alpine, of high mountains
ammophilus sand-loving
amphibius amphibious, growing in water and on land
arvensis of fields
calcareus chalky, of limestone
calcicola growing on limy soil
clivorum of slopes
collinus of hills
dumetorum of thickets and hedgerows
eremicus of deserts
fluminalis of rivers
fontanus; fontinalis growing in or by springs
frigidus cold; growing in cold locations
glacialis glacial, from cold places
glareosus of gravel
hortensis of gardens
hylaeus of woods
insularis of islands
lacustris of lakes
limosus of marshes
lithophilus stone-loving, growing in stony places
littoralis pertaining to the seashore
maritimus coastal, found near the sea
montanus of mountains
muralis of walls, growing on walls
nemorosus growing in woods
nesophilus island-loving
niphophilus snow-loving
oreophilus mountain-loving
paludosus marshy
palustris of marshes
petraeus growing among rocks
petrophilus rock-loving
pratensis of meadows
riparius of riverbanks
rupestris growing among rocks
rusticanus, rusticus rural, of the country
salinus salty, growing in salty locations
saxatilis, saxosus stony, found among rocks
scopulorum of rocks, cliffs or crags
siliceus growing in sand
spelunca a cave; growing in caves
subalpinus growing below the timber line
sylvaticus, sylvestris of woods
tectorum of roofs
uliginosus marshy, growing in wet places
umbrosus growing in shade
urbanus, urbium urban, of towns
vulcanicus of volcanoes, growing in volcanic soil
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