Book Review: Garden Rules
Garden Rules: The Snappy Synopsis for the Modern Gardener
by Jayme Jenkins and Billie Brownell
144 pages
Cool Springs Press, 2011
List price: $9.95
There's a lot of information packed into this little book. The size of a mass market paperback, Garden Rules takes common, yet vital details about gardening and delivers it in a concise, no-frills manner. That's not to say it's dry and boring, however. Authors Jayme Jenkins and Billie Brownell take turns sharing advice in their own distinct voices, answering gardening questions before you even think to ask them.
If ever there was a pocket guide to gardening, this is it. Encouraging, enlightening, entertaining, and easy-to-understand, Garden Rules really should be required reading for all beginning gardeners.
Jayme Jenkins is a former sales rep who left the corporate world to start her own online store specializing in modern home and garden decor, aHa! modern Living. Jayme co-hosts Nest in Style, a podcast featuring fellow garden experts and interesting garden-related topics. You can follow Jayme at her blog, aHa! Home and Garden, and on Facebook and Twitter. Jayme lives in Eugene, Oregon.
Billie Brownell spent many years in the corporate worlds of marketing, advertising, and publishing from Scripps-Howard to PC World magazine, to the largest ad agency in the Southeast, to Cool Springs Press. Billie tried to balance being an editor, writer, aspiring author of children's books, and a gardener with her passion for riding horses. You can follow Billie through her blogs at Garden Writers Today and The Fence Post for Cool Springs Press, as well as on Twitter and Facebook. Billie lives in Nashville, Tennessee.
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